Sunday, March 15, 2009

Back to Real Meals

Isn’t it funny how the Universe tries to help you out? You decide you have a problem and that you would like a solution - and one is supplied! There I was two posts ago, declaiming about how my latest difficult task in life was to eat up all of the food in the grocery cupboard. Ever so kindly, the Universe stepped in to assist me with my problem. The thing is, you have to be quite specific in your demands, because the Universe will take the path of least resistance and is not so much concerned with the how of it, as much as simply meeting the demand.

This weekend I used the services of a company that supplies you with a char. I will be vacating the flat soon. Potential tenants will need to view it and it was in dire need of a bit of a spruce and a sparkle. Sat morning dawned annoyingly early. The char arrived annoyingly late. To cut a long story short (I have been told before that I can waffle - so rude…) the char nicked a hundred bucks. Well, tried to, because when I got back from a refreshing walk to the post office, I obsessively checked all my things and noticed that the jerseys at the back of the cupboard, under which I had stashed my little pile of money, were dishevelled. And I was R100 short. After much counting and re-counting and then some simmering and telling myself to calm down, I confronted her in a rational fashion. Then there was an interlude, which I shall not go into here, but it included a sob story about not having any food. The whole thing ended up with me getting my money back (and an adaptor plug which she fessed up to also trying to nick) and her getting a Checkers bag filled with food from the grocery cupboard and a lecture about why we don’t steal; how we could potentially lose our jobs; and how we could potentially gain a criminal record and then we will never get another job again. Ever.

I know that there will be a bunch of people who tell me I did the wrong thing and I should have reported her to the char service and I have an obligation to let them know and I am encouraging the spread of rampant crime in SA and so on and so forth. I concede that you are correct to a certain extent; however you weren’t there and don’t know all of the circumstances, so try not to be too judgemental. I don’t want to be responsible for someone losing their job, even if they did do something dishonest, not to mention exceedingly stupid. I reckon most of us have probably done at least one thing that someone else would have fired us for.

But I didn’t start this post with the intention of waging a sociological and/or philosophical debate with myself. My intention was to point out that my grocery cupboard and nasty meals problem has been neatly solved. There is now no need for me to attempt to combine the mackerel and the corn into an edible combination. Maybe I shall move onto bigger Requests to The Universe. Like a massive influx of cash. Of course, the next request shall be a whole lot more carefully phrased!

1 comment:

  1. Eish, It seems I too have had a brush with crime....WHAT?! in this country?!?! surely not...alas, yes. I have lost a little more faith in the future in this here beloved country. The moral fibre in this country is torn to bits. At least you did the right thing moraly to not report her, but just like carbon emmissions, it will get us all in the end because we let it go...?


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